Money is tight these days, and it’s times like these that test us all. In the weeks ahead, those of us who proudly call Lexington home will decide whether our excellent schools and our community’s children are worthy of an investment that will last a lifetime.


Some people think that you can lay off dozens of teachers and gut programs and maintain a quality school system like Lexington. Nothing could be further from the truth.

           Our teachers are totally dedicated to giving Lexington young people an education that reflects our community’s values. I am saddened when I see attacks on TV and elsewhere directed at teachers. Yes, there are some districts where teachers may not be totally dedicated. Such is NOT the case here. Laying off large numbers of teachers will cut right at the heart of this community.

Every tax payer is entitled to ask whether we as a school district have done two things. First, are we spending your money wisely and, secondly, are you getting your money’s worth in the form of quality education? The answer to both those questions is an emphatic yes.

         Reflecting the times we’re in, when resources are scarce, our Board of Education and administration have made the tough choices. Our school district has reduced expenses by more than $2 million over the past three years. Just last spring, we saved $1.5 million by cutting teachers, support staff, administrators, club/activity advisors and athletic coaches.

These were painful decisions affecting every child and every family in the district. But the reason we did it was because before turning to voters for a levy, we knew that we had to be able to look them in the eye and say, “This levy is critically important. There simply is no alternative.”

As I meet with residents to discuss the levy, people want assurance that we have trimmed every possible dollar from the budget. I remind them of the major cuts already made and, further, that the State of Ohio has not helped the situation by cutting $700 million from aid to local schools.

         The Lexington School issue on the November 8, 2011 ballot is a 7.6 mill, five year emergency operating levy which will provide the school district $2.68 million over the next five years only to help maintain the excellent educational opportunities our children need and deserve --- no frills, no new programs. This emergency operating levy will cost us 230 dollars per year or 19 dollars per month for each 100,000 dollars of assessed property value.

Our school district receives 50% of its funding from the state of Ohio and 50% from local property taxes. The need for this new revenue is based on the state flat lining or reducing the dollars budgeted for public schools, including our school district over the past several years, coupled with the fact that Lexington Schools have not received money from a new operating levy since 1999.

Yet the Lexington Schools have been rated Excellent or Excellent with Distinction for 8 consecutive years and 9 of the past 10 years --- proof that

students, school personnel, parents and community members working together can make a significant, positive difference in the lives of young people.


We are often told that the schools have to “live within their means” and “do more with less” just like people do at home. Based on no new dollars from the state and no new property tax levy since 1999, we believe, and our audits confirm, that we have done just that. However, without new revenue, there is a real danger of reaching the point where additional reductions have a negative impact on the quality of the educational opportunities provided for our students.

       If the levy request is not approved in November, our school district will be faced with eliminating 15 to 17 more teachers, 10-12 more support staff, implementing pay to participate, and class sizes will swell to 30 plus, all by January 1, 2012. In addition, the district will be forced to participate in open enrollment beginning with the next school year. None of that is healthy or conducive to providing our children with excellent educational opportunities. This is not intended as a threat to anyone, but necessary to provide you with the facts so you can make an informed decision.

     Like you, I am proud of our school district. I believe our schools reflect the values of our community in that they provide a high quality education and a great value. The cost, however, is not free. We cannot afford to allow our school system to fall into decline and sacrifice what has taken decades for this community to build. Education is an investment in the future of our community, by investing in the students of our community. This investment has paid tremendous dividends in the past and will, with your continued support, continue to do so in the future.

Consider that twelve years without passing an operating levy is a long time and study the issue carefully before voting in the November 8th election.



Mike Ziegelhofer,


Lexington Local Schools District

ziegelhofer.mike @