Regular Meeting

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

7:00 p.m.


1. Call to Order: The President will call the meeting to order.

2. Communications/Visitors: The President will recognize any visitors to the meeting and present any communications.

Financial Items:

3. Minutes: The President will call for additions or corrections to the July regular meeting.

4. Financial: The Treasurer will present the monthly financial report for July 2023.

5. Approve invoice in the amount of $17,520 to PowerSchool for the 2023-2024 District Schoology Subscription.

6. Accept a donation from the Ontario O’Charleys Restaurant of 15 stocked bookbags to the Lexington Junior High, including notebooks, folders, binders, pens, pencils, and highlighters.

7. Accept a donation from the Mansfield Wellness Clinic of 15 hygiene packages that included toiletries, hygiene items, and pairs of purple and gold socks.

Motion by __________________, seconded by_________________, to approve items 3 -7.

Personnel Items:


8. Employment: Approve the following Anne Reed - ELL mentor for the 2023-2024 school year Kindergarten teachers who worked August 1 – 4, 2023 kindergarten screening, $600/week:

Melissa Betscher

Trisha Kist

Zoe McGowan

Michelle McDonald

Dairia Edmunds


9. Resignation:

Accept the resignation of:

Shelly Harris - 2-hour van driver effective the end of the 2022-2023 school year

Vanessa Bissell - Food Service, effective August 11, 2023

10. Employment: Approve the following for employment for the 2023-2024 school year:

Shelly Harris - Transportation, 4-hour bus route

Elimitaiza Bartman - Transportation, 2-hour van position, one year contract, effective August 18, 2023

Stephanie Trittschuh - Transportation, driver, pending completion of all pre-employment requirements

Other Business:

11. Tuition Students: Accept the following tuition students for the 2023-2024 school year:

Sophie Ramirez - New, grade 7, tuition waived per Board policy following teaching parent

Jacob Ramirez - New, grade 1, tuition waived per Board policy following teaching parent

Aubin Grove - New, grade 9, tuition waived per Board policy following working parent

12. Re-Adoption of Building Handbooks: Approve the re-adoption of the Jr. High, Eastern and Central handbooks.

13. Special Education of Ohio: Approve Master Services Agreement with Specialized Education of Ohio for the 2023-2024 school for special education services provided to students referred by the District.

14. Career Advising: Review and approve the Career Advising Policy per the enclosure Policy 2413.

15. Substitute List: Recommend approval of the revised Lexington substitute list dated July 19, 2023 as presented by MOESC.

Motion by __________________, seconded by _____________________, to approve items 8 – 15.

16. Adjournment: Motion by ________________, seconded by _________________, to adjourn.