Regular Meeting

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

7:00 p.m.


1. Call to Order: The President will call the meeting to order.

2. Communications/Visitors: The President will recognize any visitors to the meeting and present any communications.

OSBA presentation and certificate to honor the board service of Keith Stoner

Financial Items:

3. Minutes: The President will call for additions or corrections to the May regular meeting.

4. Financial: The Treasurer will present the monthly financial report for May 2023.

5. Approve temporary appropriations for Fiscal Year 2024 at the fund level set at 50% of Fiscal Year 2023 final appropriations.

6. Recommendation to renew property, fleet, and liability insurance with the Ohio School Plan for the period July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024, cost $86,846.

7. Recommendation to approve cyber insurance coverage with Lloyd’s Cyber for the period July 1, 2023 to June, 2024, cost $6,854.

8. Approve Message Logix invoice in the amount $3,725 for K12 Alert Services.

9. Approve the following appropriation modifications for FY23:

002 Debt Service $1,000.00

003 Permanent Improvement $50,000.00

034 OFCC Project Maintenance $90,000.00

499 State Grants $35.21

507 ARP ESSER $400,000.00

516 IDEA-B $31,200.59

572-9023 Title I ($4,335.25)

572-9923 EOEC Grant $1,783.65

584 Title IV-A ($3,600.00)

587 ECSE ($332.45)

590 Title II-A $822.01

599 Miscellaneous

Federal Grants $177,742.94

Motion by __________________, seconded by_________________, to approve items 3 -9.

Personnel Items:


10. Maternity Leave: Accept Laura Pfeiffer’s request for maternity leave effective approximately October 2, 2023 – December 20, 2023.

11. Resignation: Accept the following resignations for the 2023-2024 school year:

Brittany Molnar - Western, kindergarten

Brittany Lieb - Central, Intervention Specialist

Leslie Miller - Eastern, elementary guidance counselor

Sarah Drees - Pre-School teacher

12. Employment: Approve the following for employment for the 2023-2024 school year pending successful completion of all pre-employment requirements:

Theresa Scheurer - Long-term sub, Eastern from May 22 – the end of the school year, $110 per day

Mike Kathrein - High School newspaper advisor for 2023-2024

Jennifer Law - Junior High co-academic advisor for 2023-2024

Sara Thorburn - High School yearbook advisor

Sonja Clever - High School Intervention Specialist, effective August 18, 2023, one-year contract (5 years experience)

Michelle McDonald - Kindergarten, Western, effective August 18, 2023, one-year contract

Alex Hertensteiner - Science, Jr. High, effective August 18, 2023, one-year contract

Meredith Cotterill - Pre-School ETR Chair

Approve the following teachers that are working Math Camp (June 26 – June 30), ($600.00/week):

Michelle Rastetter

Lydia Severns

Gretchen Winner

Lindsay Musille

Heather Noland

Shannon Nicol

Jennifer Brane

Kevin Richer

Cara Pelphrey

Jaime Chambers

Cindy Shasky

Christina Mueller

Sandra LaLiberte

Bruce Dewey

Stephanie Blackstone

Bethany Sharrock

Amy North

Cassidy Dillon

Marsha Eldridge

Christine Elder

Lynn Walters

Elisabeth Wells

Annette Rush

Joy Bowman

Rhonda Tittle

OSU Graduates/Teachers working Math Camp ($300/week)

Kyra Davis

Noelle Ferguson

Megan Shupe

Justus Morgan

Isaac Niedermier

Nicole Kasper

Lydia Ackerman

Sydney Eyerly

Maris Bucci

13. Approve payment to the following teacher for mentoring a teacher during the 2022-2023 school year:


Stephanie Blackstone – Mentoring Addalyn Brown $250


14. Retirement: Accept Rebecca Smith’s retirement from Food Service, effective August 1, 2023.

15. Employment: Approve the following for employment:

Stephen Smith - Substitute van driver, pending successful fulfillment of all requirements

Amanda Jones - Educational aide, Central, effective August 18, 2023, one-year contract

Lyndsey Murfield - Educational aide, Central, effective August 18, 2023, one-year contract

LeeAnn Adams - Educational aide, Jr. High, effective August 18, 2023, one-year contract

Melissa Lewis - Educational aide, Central, continuing contract, effective 2023-2024 school year

Theresa Scheurer - Educational aide, cross-categorical, Western, effective August 18, 2023, one-year contract

Other Business:

16. Administrator’s Contracts: Approve the recommendation for the following administrators for 3-year contracts:

Tucker Bacquet

Ashley Rebillot

Joy Bowman

Paula Smith

Scott Curtis

Vickie Stima

Jeff Eichorn

Kyle Trittschuh

Jamie Masi

Tricia Volz

Matt Millinger

Kevin Young

Levi Mowry

Approve the following for a 1-year contract (retire/rehire)

Craig Clever

Linda Volz

17. Substitute Pay Schedule: Recommend to approve the 2023-2024 substitute pay schedule per the enclosure.

18. Administrator/Supervisor/Non-Union Salary Schedules: Recommend to approve the 2023-2024 Administrator/Supervisor/Non-Union Salary Schedules per the enclosure.

19. Coaching Recommendations: Approve the following fall coaches for the 2023-2024 school year:

Jeff Eichorn - JH Football

John Murray - Varsity Assistant Football (½ contract)

Bradon Buchanan - Freshman Football (½ contract)

Zac Collins - Volunteer Football Coach

Nate West - Volunteer Football Coach

20. Summer Employment: Approve the following students for summer employment in the Maintenance Department:

Abby Eifrid & Eric Blackstone (effective June 6th)

Will Perkins (only worked June 6th)

Jacob Brant (effective June 12th)

21. Tuition Students: Accept the following tuition students for the 2023-2024 school year. Tuition for these students waived per Board policy following working parent:

Kohen Webb - New, grade 9

Emma Webb - New, grade 1

Cecelia Webb - New, Kindergarten

Emmett Rogers - New, Kindergarten

22. Musical Accompanist: Approve Brenda Welsh as elementary musical accompanist for the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 school years at $20.00 per hour.

23. Career-Technical Education: Approve the enclosed resolution to not provide career-technical education in grades 7 and 8.

24. Allerton Hill: Approve the contract with Allerton Hill Consulting Services, effective July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024.

25. MOESC Contracts: Approve the FY ’24 845 contract with MOESC.

26. Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board: Approve the Memorandum of Understanding with Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board for the period July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024.

27. 22+ Graduate: Approve the 22+ graduate who resides in our district.

28. Substitute List: Recommend approval of the revised Lexington substitute list dated May 17, 2023 as presented by MOESC.

Motion by __________________, seconded by _____________________, to approve items 10 – 28.

29. Executive Session: Motion by ____________________, seconded by ________________, To enter into executive session to consider the appointment, employment, promotion, or compensation of a public employee or official.

The Board entered into executive session at _________.

The Board returned to open session at ___________.

30. Adjournment: Motion by ________________, seconded by _________________, to adjourn.