Regular Meeting

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

7:00 p.m.


1. Call to Order: The President will call the meeting to order.

2. Communications/Visitors: The President will recognize any visitors to the meeting and present any communications.

Chloe Dean, Student representative to the Board will present her report.

Curriculum Report – Tucker Bacquet & Joy Bowman

Financial Items:

3. Minutes: The President will call for additions or corrections to the October regular meeting.

4. Financial: The Treasurer will present the monthly financial report for October 2022.

5. Approve renewal with Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield for medical, Rx, and dental insurance administrative services for Calendar Year 2023 at the following rates:

• Medical / Rx / Stop Loss Administrative fees of $44.56 per employee per month;

• Dental Administrative fees of $4.89 per employee per month;

• Specific Stop Loss carve out fee at a premium of $6.79 per employee per month.

• Pharmacy Rebate Offset of ($42.50) per employee per month

6. Approve Specific Stop Loss coverage through Voya for Calendar Year 2023 at premium of $95.19 (single) and $236.63 (family) per employee per month.

7. Recommend to approve the 2023 medical, dental, and vision insurance funding rates, representing a 10% increase for medical and a 4.5% increase for dental.

8. Recommend to approve the 5-Year Financial Forecast for FY23 through FY27.

Motion by __________________, seconded by_________________, to approve items 3 – 8.

Personnel Items:


9. Resignation: Accept the following resignation: Rick Stephens - High School Special Ed., effective the end of the 2022-2023 school year


10. Employment: Approve the following classified employees: Lindsey Berry - Substitute educational aide Other Business:

11. Coaching Resignation: Accept Ryan Oliver’s resignation as freshman baseball coach.

12. Coaching Recommendations: Approve the following coaches for the 2022-2023 school year:

Emily Patterson - Weight training (November, December, January)

Mike Schwechheimer - JV baseball

Pam Hooker - Volunteer cheer coach

13. School Nurse: Please consider recommending Amber Crain, LPN following as a sub nurse for the 2022 2023 school year.

14. Nutrition Compliance: Accepted the report of nutrition compliance pursuant to Board Policy and ORC 3313.814.

Motion by __________________, seconded by _____________________, to approve items 9-14.

15. Adjournment: Motion by ________________, seconded by _________________, to adjourn.