Parent Advisory Council

We would like to thank the parents that serve on this committee for their time and efforts!
The administration and the staff are sensitive to those that they serve and hope that we reflect the needs of the citizens.  Our clients are your children. Your school really belongs to the people of the community. For these reasons, several years ago, we created a Parent Advisory Council (PAC) to help increase the communication from school to home. The purpose of the Council is to develop and maintain a close working relationship with the parents, the community, and the teachers in our school. The Council works with the principal to keep an open line of communication to share ideas or concerns. Should something sound not quite right to you, or you have a question regarding something you have heard, or an idea or suggestion, please feel free to call one of the members who in turn will contact the school to get an answer to your concern as soon as possible. 


NEXT MEETING:  Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Thank you to everyone that attended the September Meeting.  It was the best attendance for a Parent Advisory Meeting ever!