Regular Meeting

Thursday, February 24, 2011

7:00 p.m.

The Lexington Board of Education met in regular session in the boardroom at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 24, 2011.  Due to severe weather on February 21st, this meeting was rescheduled from Monday February 21st to Thursday February 24th.  Mr. Robert

Whitney, President, called the meeting to order.  Roll was called by the Treasurer.


Roll Call – Members present:  Mr. Loren Blackstone, Mr. Jeff Heck, Mr. Keith Stoner,

                                Mrs. Karen Wilson, Mr. Robert Whitney  -------------------------------------------5



                                   VISITORS  /  COMMUNICATIONS  /  RECOGNITIONS

         Student Rep, Abby Kuhn, was not in attendance but submitted a written report to the Board


         Several individuals addressed the Board of Education with comments, questions and concerns

         about proposed cuts and changes for the district for the 2011-2012 school year.  General questions

         about cost cutting and specific comments about the future of the district’s Gifted program were

         the main topic of their comments.  Those who spoke during the meeting included:

                                              Justin Rhoad, Lexington High School student

                                    Rebecca Bigley, High School teacher and LTA president

          Christopher Sullinger, community member and T.J. Sullinger, Lexington Elementary student

                                                             Elizabeth Merrick

                                                                 Nikki Noel

                                                  Brent & Shannon Robinson

                                                                Skip Holmes

                                                               Shelly Sturts

                                                               Ellen Eichler

                               Twyla Chalk, Lexington employee and LSA president

                                                             Martin Leslie

                                                         Tom Prendergast

                                                          Megan Risacher

                                         Aaron Price, Lexington High School student

                                        Amy Saunders, Lexington Elementary teacher

                                                             Kelly Dove

                                                      Henrietta Sazdanoff         



11-11   Motion by Mrs. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Heck to approve the following financial


               1.    The minutes from the January organizational and regular meeting were approved.

               2.    The monthly financial report for January 2011 was presented.

                             3.    The Treasurer requests board approval of a resolution authorizing the Treasurer to enter into an agreement for the purchase of electric generation from the winning

         bidder of an RFP open to all licensed competitive retail electric service providers.   This RFP has been offered and managed by MEC (Metropolitan Education Council).


        Roll Call – Yea: Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Heck, Mr. Blackstone, Mr. Stoner, Mr. Whitney-----5

                                      Nay: None -----------------------------------------------------------------------------0

                                    Motion adopted.


12-11   Motion by Mr. Stoner, seconded by Mr. Blackstone, to approve the following personnel



Retirement:  Accepted the retirement of:

Denise Belcastro          -           Junior High, effective May 31, 2011

                                Lois Lasker                   -           Eastern Elementary Librarian, effective end of the 2010-2011 school year


Resignation:  Approved the resignation of the following:

                        Jim Goode                   -           High School Principal, effective end of  2010-2011 contract year

                        Todd Korbas                -           High School, effective end of the 2010- 2011 school year

                        Tommie Roseberry      -           The following supplemental contracts for the first semester only of the 2011-2012 school year:

  • Jr. High Pacesetter
  • Spelling Bee
  • Tech Support
  • IAT Chairperson

Salary Adjustment:  Approved the following salary adjustments:

                        Ray Hoskins                -           BS + 20 to MBA (effective January 22, 2011)

                        Roxanne Drueschler    -           BS + 20 to ME

                        Teresa Weaver             -           ME to ME + 10


Retirement:  Approved the retirement of:

                        Sandra Hawkins           -           Transportation Department, effective March 1, 2011

                        Carl Stehle                   -           Transportation Department, effective February 28, 2011


Employment:  Approved the employment of:

                                    Ginger Mosey              -           Long-term sub, Athletic Office, beginning approximately  March 14 through June 10, 2011, base secretary’s salary

                                    Carl Stehle                   -           Sub bus driver, effective May 1, 2011

                                    George Barley              -           Substitute custodian


Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Stoner, Mr. Blackstone, Mr. Heck, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Whitney------5

                   Nay: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

                 Motion adopted.


             OTHER BUSINESS

13-11    Motion by Mrs. Wilson, seconded Mr. Heck to approve the following:

Administrative Contracts:  Approved following administrator contracts:

                        Jacque Daup, Eastern Elementary Principal – 1 year

                        John Harris, Athletic/Activities Director – 1 year

                        Mark Mauk, High School Dean of Students – 3 year

                        Dave Roberts, Asst. Supt./Western Principal – 1 year

                        Sue Weirich, High School Asst. Principal – 3 year

                        Mike Ziegelhofer, Superintendent/High School Principal – 1 year

Technology Department Contracts:  Approved the following contracts:

                        Deb Ray, Assistant Technology Dept. Coordinator – 3 year

                        Levi Mowry, Technoloy Dept. Assistant – 2 year

School Calendar:  Approved the school calendar for 2011-2012 school year.

Tuition Students:  Approved the following tuition students for the 2011-2012 school year:

                        Jaxon Brown               -           New, Kindergarten, Western Elementary,  per negotiated agreement, following parent employed by our district

                        Kasey Davis                -           Continuing, first grade, Western Elementary

                        Jonathon Bradford       -           New, High School, 11th grade

                        Ethan Remy                 -           New, Kindergarten, Central Elementary,  per negotiated agreement, following teaching parent

Coaching Contracts:  Approved the following coaching recommendations:

                        Doug Basham              -           JV baseball

                        John Watkins               -           Freshmen baseball

                        Ian Craze                     -           Baseball volunteer assistant

                        Ken Kreis                    -           JV softball

                        Rob Michels                -           Volunteer assistant boys’ tennis

                        Richard Dunn              -           Assistant track (jumps)

                        Landon Huvler                        -           Assistant track (throws)

                        Denise Benson             -           Assistant track (distance)

                        Gary Hinton                 -           Assistant track (sprints)

                        Brent Rastetter             -           Junior High track

                        Austin Javurek             -           Junior High track

                        Scott Hamilton             -           Junior High track

                        Jay Schmidt                 -           Junior High track

                        Anne Petrie                  -           Junior High track


High School Diploma:  Approve Mr. Mike Kathrein, as selected by the senior class, to pass out diplomas to the members of the class of 2011 during the graduation exercises on June 5, 2011.

Committee Appointments:  Tabled until the March meeting.

Substitute Lists:  Approved the substitute list dated 2/11/11 as presented by MOESC.

Summer Student Employment:  Approved the request to employ four (4) summer maintenance employees and two (2) summer employees for help in the technology department.


Roll Call – Yea: Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Heck, Mr. Blackstone, Mr. Stoner, Mr. Whitney -------5

                               Nay: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

                              Motion adopted.         


14-11   Motion by Mr. Stoner, seconded by Mr. Heck to enter into executive session to consider  the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of  a public employee or official, or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public  employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual unless the public employee, official,  licensee, or regulated individual requests a public hearing and negotiations.

             Roll Call – Yea:  Mr. Stoner, Mr. Heck, Mr. Blackstone, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Whitney-----5

                             Nay:  None -----------------------------------------------------------------------------0

                 Motion adopted.


            Time entered:  9:03 p.m.

            Returned to regular session:  10:27 p.m.

            WORK SESSION

  • Motion by Mr. Stoner, seconded by Mr. Heck to set a work session at 7:00 p.m. on March 7th.


Roll Call – Yea:  Mr. Stoner, Mr. Heck, Mr. Blackstone, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Whitney--------5

                  Nay:  None --------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

                  Motion adopted.



16-11   Motion by Mr. Heck, seconded by Mr. Blackstone to adjourn.                                 10:36 p.m.

            Roll Call – Yea:  Mr. Heck, Mr. Blackstone, Mr. Stoner, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Whitney------5

                              Nay:  None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

                              Motion adopted.  




