Regular Meeting

August 19, 2020

7:00 p.m.

The Lexington Board of Education met in regular session in the Robert H. Whitney Board of Education Meeting Room at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 19, 2020.  Mr. Robert Whitney, President, called the meeting to order. Roll was called by the Treasurer.

Roll Call – Members present: Mr. Keith Stoner, Dr. Martin Gottsdchling, Mr. Dave Roberts, Mr. Rob Schuster, Mr. Robert Whitney --- 5



Mr. Whitney welcome visitors to the meeting and asked if any visitors would like to be recognized. Mr. Secrist shared documentation from Richland Publis Health regarding COVID-19 protocols for schools. Mr. Secrist also provided information from the District Public School Works regarding ethics training.

Mr. Whitney welcome visitorHigh School Principal Kevin Young and High School Assistant Principal/Athletic Director Jeff Eichorn presented to the Board regarding options for streaming services for District athletics and activities. Options included MFD and OH Report, and Mr. Young and Mr. Eichorn discussed various costs and available services for each option.


   46-20 Motion by Mr. Stoner, seconded by Mr. Schuster, to enter into an agreement with WMFD for streaming services for District athletics and activities.

Roll Call – Yea:   Mr.Stoner, Mr. Schuster, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Whitney ----5

    Nay:  None --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

Financial Items:

   47-20 Motion by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Dr. Gottschling to approve the following finanacial items:

1.  The minutes from the July regular and July special meetings were approved.

2.  The monthly financial report for July 2020 was presented.

Roll Call – Yea:   Mr.Stoner, Mr. Schuster, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Whitney ----5

    Nay:  None --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0


   48-20 Motion by Mr. Roberts seconded by Mr. Stoner to approve the following personnel items:


Employment: Approved the employment of the following :

Kelli Catanese - Title I, Central (part-time), one-year contract, effective August 21, 2020

Laura Boehm - Long term sub, Western Art, from approximately August 24, 2020 - February 15, 2021, $110.00 per day

Approved the following K-5 mentors to help, monitor and provide the Lexington connection with students, $20 per hour, up to 15 hours weekly:

Margaret Martin - Kindergarten

Heiden Eichorn -  First Grade

Christina Rose - Second Grade

Joy Bowman -  Third Grade

Barb Durchik - Fourth Grade

Michelle Lillo -  Fifth Grade

Salary Adjustment: Approve the following salary adjustments:

Marsha Haas - ME +20 to ME +30

Kayla Duryea - BA to BA +10


Employment: Approved the employment of the following:

Laura Boehm - Sub calling at Western Elementary for the 2020-2021 school year

Lisa McClain - Food Service substitute

Geoffrey Newland - Substitute educational aide

Scott Hamilton - Athletic Department Assistant, $15.00 per hour


Tuition Students: Approved the following tuition students for the 2020-2021 school year:

Vincent Morando - Continuing grade 12

Celia Connell - New, grade 12

Kellen Young - New, grade 11

Coaching Recommendations: - Approved the following coaches for the 2020-2021 school year:

Alyssa Hostetler - Junior High assistant cross country (was previously approved as volunteer assistant

Jim Steele - Volunteer assistant junior high football

Memorandum of Understanding: - Approved the Memorandum of Understanding regarding supplemental contracts for the 2020-2021 schoolyear.

Supplemental Activities: - Approved the following supplemental activities:

High School 

Rebecca Bigley - Student Council advisor, Prom advisor, Jr. Class advisor

Stephen Domka - Co-assistant instrumental music director, Instrumental music director (musical)

Kayla Duryea - National Honor Society

Diane Eifrid - Senior Class advisor

Sally Giefer - Academic Challenge co-advisor, Informed Teens

Jeni Houston - Yearbook advisor

Mike Kathrein - Newspaper advisor

Ryan Knuckles - LEOS Club

Suzy McBride - Informed Teens co-advisor

Kristen McPeek - IAT Chairperson, Leadership Council advisor

Jennifer Moore - Key Club advisor

Jacob Poiner - Choir Director, Musical Director, Auditorium Stage Manager

Deb Ray - MFE Coordinator

Rick Ruth - Co-assistant instrumental music director

Sara Thorburn - High School yearbook advisor, Academic Challenge co-advisor

Zak Wilkins - Intrumental music director

Ryan Zahn - Math Club Advisor

Junior High

Jennifer Berry - Math Counts

Stephen Domka - Jr. High Orchestra

Jen Law - CACY co-advisor, IAT chairperson. Academic Challenge co-advisor

Tommy Roseberry - Spelling Bee, Academic Challenge co-advisor

Brittany Siringer - CACY co-advisor, MFE Chairperson


Jennifer Berry - Academic Challenge, - 5th & 6th grades, Math Counts, Spelling Bee

Jaime Chambers - ETR Chairperson

Amy Cleland - Bus Supervisor (AM)

Marsha Haas - IAT Chairperson, Academic Challenge - 4th grade

Valerie Hunter - Running club

Katie Rogers - Student Council

Rhonda Tittle - Bus Supervisor (PM)


Carolee Balliett - Academic Challenge - 4th grade

Stephanie Blackstone - Bus Supervisor (PM)

Cheryl Longnecker - Bus Supervisor (AM), IAT Chairperson

Tina Parr - ETR Chairperson


Sandy Deluca - Pre-K ETR Chairperson

Kelli Dyer - Bus Supervisor

Leslie Miller -  IAT Chairperson

Ashley Smith - ETR Chairperson

Lunch Price Increase: - Approved theincrease in lunch prices for the 2020-2021 school year by $.10 per lunch: $2.85 for elementary, $3.10/$3.35 for junior high and high school students and $4.05 for adult lunches.

Ohio Heartland CAC Head Start: - Approved the agreement and Memorandum of Understanding with Ohio Heartland Head Start for the 2020-2021 program year.

Mid-Ohio ESC SPARC: - Approved the contract with Mid-Ohio ESC for the District to utilize Mid-Ohio ESC's SPARC funds for career coach costs.

Substitute List: - Approved the revised Lexington substitute list dated 07/15/2020 as presented by MOESC.

Employment of Nurses: - Approved the employment of the following district nurses pending successful completion of all pre-employment requirements:

Jennifer Sexton - Eastern Elementary

Brittany Grist -  High School

Sarah Mickley - Junior High

District Back to School Plan: - Approved the 2020-2021 District Back to School Plan.

Neola Policies: - Approved the following Neola policies: 2266 - Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in district programs or activities; 8450.01 - Protective Facial Coverings During Pandemic/Epidemic Events; 3216 - Staff Dress and Grooming (certified staff); 4216 - Staff Dress and Grooming (classified staff); 5511 - Staff Dress and Grooming (students); 3220 Standards - Based Teacher Evaluation (OTES)

Facial Coverings: - Approved the facial covering form and acknowledgement for staff and students.

Roll Call – Yea:   Mr. Stoner, Mr. Schuster, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Whitney ----5

    Nay:  None --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

                  Motion adopted


1. Back to School Pledge - Mr. Whitney discussed the Back to School Pledge document and thanked the District staff for putting the document together. Mr. Whitney also thanked Curriculum Coordinator Tucker Bacquet for the thought that went into the cover of the document.

2. Outside Groups - The Board discussed the use of District facilities for various outside groups under the current unique circumstances. The Board expressed a desire, when feasible, to continue to allow such use provided agreement to follow District protocols when using the facilities.

3. Youth Football - Mr. Eichorn and Athletic Boosters President Jon Sanders discussed youth football and the need to add liability insurance coverage for the upcoming year. Such cpverage could be added to the District's liability insurance coverage or could be added by the Athletic Boosters. This would be for one year only while the youth football program established their own program and coverage for future years. The Board requested Mr. Secrist and Mr. Whitesel discuss with the District Insurance and legal counsel and get back with Mr. Sanders.


49-20 Motion by Mr. Schuster, seconded by Mr. Roberts, to enter into executive session to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official, or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual unless the public employee, official, licensee or regulated individual requests a public hearing and negotiations.

Roll Call – Yea:   Mr. Roberts, Mr. Stoner, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Schuster, Mr. Whitney----5

                               Nay: None -----------------------------------------------------------------------0

Motion adopted.

Time entered: 8:40 p.m.

Returned to regular sesson: 9:05 p.m.


42-20 Motion by Mr. Schuser, seconded by Mr. Roberts, to adjourn.            9:05 p.m.  

Roll Call – Yea:   Mr.Stoner, Mr. Schuster, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Whitney ----5

    Nay:  None --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

                  Motion adopted

Certificate Section 5705.412, Ohio Revised Code

It is hereby certified that the Lexington Local School District Board of Education, Richland County, Ohio, has sufficient funds to meet the contract agreement, obligation, payment or expenditure for the above, and has in effect for the remainder of the fiscal year and succeeding fiscal year the authorization to levy taxes which, when combined with the estimated revenue from all other sources available to the district at the time of certification, are sufficient to provide operating revenues necessary to enable the district to operate an adequate educational program on all days set forth in its adopted school calendar for the current fiscal year and for a number of days in the succeeding fiscal year equal to the number of days instruction was or is scheduled for the current fiscal year.                                                                               



Superintendent ____________________________