Regular Meeting
April 17, 2013
7:00 P.M.

The Lexington Board of Education met in regular session in the boardroom at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 17, 2013. Mr. Robert Whitney, President, called the meeting to order. Roll was called by the Treasurer.

Roll Call – Members present: Mr. Loren Blackstone, Mr. Jeff Heck, Mr. Keith Stoner, Mrs. Karen Wilson, Mr. Robert Whitney -----------5   


  Morgan Gongwer is the new Student Representative to the Board for 2013-2014. She was present to give Kate Cropp’s

report to the Board. Current student activities include the beginning of spring sports, mock crash,

Miss Lexington Pageant, prom, Special Olympics, drama and academic awards.



24-13   Motion by Mrs. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Heck to approve the following financial items:   

1. The minutes from the March regular meeting was approved.                                                                                                                                 

        2.  The monthly financial report for March 2013 was presented. 

             Roll Call – Yea: Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Heck, Mr. Stoner, Mr. Blackstone, Mr. Whitney----5

       Nay: None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------0

         Motion adopted.


25-13   Motion by Mr. Stoner seconded by Mr. Blackstone, to approve the following personnel items:                                                               


Resignation: Approved the resignation of Tim Henderson, High School Science, effective end of 2012-2013 school year.   

Employment: Approved the employment of Danielle Merritt, grade 4, Eastern Elementary, effective August 27, 2013, one year contract, step 0.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Salary Adjustment: Approved the salary adjustment for Melissa Betscher from BS + 10 to BS + 20, effective March 1, 2013. 

        Supplemental Non-Renewals (Attachment “A”): The individuals listed below are recommended for non-renewal until spring sports are completed and proper evaluation procedures have been followed:                           

Jeff Strickler - Baseball head coach

Kevin Morrow - JV baseball

Mike Hamman - Varsity softball

Ken Kreis - JV softball

Dan Wittmer - Boys’ track head coach

Michelle Smith  - Girls’ track head coach

Richard Dunn - Track assistant

Denise Benson  - Track assistant

Gary Hinton - Track assistant

Anne Petrie - Jr. High track

Austin Javurek - Jr. High track


      Non-Teacher Non-Renewals (Attachment “B”): The following individuals hold supplemental contracts, but are not employees of the district. It is necessary to non-renew these positions for the 2013-2014 school year and to post these vacancies before considering re-issuing contracts:

Doug Basham - 7th  football

Peter Them - JV boys’ soccer

Pam Coones - Varsity girls’ soccer

Ron Schaub - Girls’ tennis

Ron Schaub - Boys’ tennis

Kassi Ernsberger - Freshmen volleyball

Scott Hamilton - Varsity boys’ basketball - Jr. High track

Michael Grist - JV boys’ basketball

Jay Schmidt - 7th grade girls’ basketball - Jr. High track

Ralph Baker - Track assistant

Dave Watters - Assistant dive coach

Brock Spurling - Asst. varsity swim coach/Jr. High coach

Brian Faust - JV wrestling

Andrew Heath - Jr. High wrestling

Randy Heidlebaugh - Assistant marching band

Michelle Newmeyer - High School yearbook

Colleen Bundy          - Color Guard advisor

Lindsey Grove - Long-term sub, 1st grade Central

      Teaching/Extended Service Contracts (Attachment “C”): Approved teaching/extended contracts for 2013-2014 as listed:

           Three Year Limited    

         Michelle Armstrong          Tracy Montgomery

 Jessica Bright                     Kevin Morrow

 Emily Depew                     Michelle Olecki

 Roxanne Drueschler          Holly Rice

 April Ford                          Matt Roggio

 Sally Giefer                       Annette Rush

 Ron Graham                      Rick Ruth

 Jean Griebling                   Becky Sarbach

 Mary Haas                        Tim Scheid

 Kayla Heimann                 Michelle Smith

 Gary Hinton                      Becky Vargo

 Ray Hoskins                      Lynn Waterer

 Crystal Kell                       Laura Wesserling

 Kristen McPeek                Dianne Wheaton

Two Year Limited

 Whitney Farrar                 Carla Pasheilich

 David Hines                      Allison Parsons

 Marissa Lunt                    Ashley Roberts

 Molly Morton                  Christina Rose

 Anne Mutti                      Eric Turlo

One Year Limited

 Howard Hoffman (part-time, 4 periods)

 Margaret Martin

Extended Service

  Jennifer Cavalier - Guidance

  Bill Ellsworth - Guidance

  Emily Donahue - Librarian

  Kristen McPeek - Guidance

  Bobbi Weaver - Guidance

  Betsy Youse - Guidance

Continuing Contracts: Approved continuing contracts for:

  Katie Guy - Eastern Elementary

  Austin Javurek - High School Art

Supplemental Contracts: Approved the following supplemental contracts (Attachment “D”) for 2013-2014:  


Rebecca Bigley - Student Council advisor, Prom co-advisor, Jr. Class advisor

Paul Dawson - H.S. Choir Director

Emily Depew - Prom co-advisor, Newspaper co-advisor

Stephen Domka - Co-assistant instrumental music director

Richard Dunn - Drama Club, Fall Play, Spring Play, CACY advisor

Sally Giefer - National Honor Society

Ron Graham - Marching Band Director, Instrumental Music Director

Ryan Knuckles - LEOS club advisor

Stever Lifer - Math Club advisor

Kristen McPeek - IAT co-chairperson

Tracy Montgomery - Newspaper co-advisor, Senior Class advisor

Michelle Olecki - Mock Trial, Academic Challenge co-advisor

Allison Parsons - Key Club Advisor

Rick Ruth - Assistant Marching Band director, co-assistant instrumental music director

Rebecca Sarbach - MFE Coordinator

Sara Thorburn - High School Yearbook advisor, Academic Challenge co-advisor

John Watkins - Leadership Council advisor

Bobbi Weaver - IAT co-chairperson


Jen Cavalier - CACY co-advisor, MFE Chairperson

Jen Dewald -  CACY co-advisor

Stephen Domka - Jr. High Orchestra

Diane Eifrid - Yearbook

Jeanna Godby - Student Council co-advisor

Marissa Lunt - Power of Pen advisor

Tommie Roseberry - IAT Chairperson, Spelling Bee

Brittany Siringer - Student Council co-advisor

OPEN - Academic Challenge, Math Counts


Bus Supervisors

Central - Tom Brownell (AM); Stephanie Blackstone (PM)

Western - Amy Stewart

Eastern - Mary Sue Davis (AM & PM)


Central - Tracey Heck

Western - Amy Steward (co-chair)

              - Bill Ellsworth (co-chair)

Eastern - Marsha Haas (co-chair)

             - Jaime Chambers (co-chair)


Central - Tracey Heck

Western - Sandy DeLuca

Eastern - Cheryl Longnecker

District 504 Chairperson


Title I Reading Coordinator


Math Counts - Eastern - Jennifer Berry


Classified: Retirement: Accepted the retirement of Shirley Zimmerman, Junior High Guidance Secretary, effective June 30, 2013. 

Resignation: Accepted the resignation of Gary Hoff, Transportation bus aide, effective April 8, 2013. 

Non-Certified Contracts (Attachment “E”): Approved 2013-2014 contracts for classified employees as listed:


  Nichole Potter - 2 year


  Kyle Trittschuh - 2 year


Waynette Chase - 2 year                                                                                                  

Lynn Myers - 2 year


Craig Clever - 1 year

Steve Arnold - Continuing

Chris Donahue - Continuing

Buddy Essick - Continuing

Todd Scheiber - 1 year

Ben Ziegelhofer - 1 year


Steve Boggs - 1 year

Don Calhoun - Continuing

Paul Frost - 2 year

John Hetrick - 2 year

Rosemary McDaniel - 2 year

Cecil Potter - 2 year

Rick Vestal - 1 year

Pam Wisenbarger - Continuing

Coaching Recommendations: Approved the following recommendations for 2013-2014:

                        Denise Benson             -           Varsity cross country

                        Dan Studer                   -           Varsity football

                        Ryan Zahn                   -           Varsity boys’ golf

                        Michael Kathrein         -           Varsity girls’ golf

                        Pam Coones                 -           Co-Varsity/JV girls’ soccer

                        Roxanne Drueschler    -           Co-Varsity/JV girls’ soccer

                        Ron Schaub                 -           Varsity girls’ tennis

                        Bobbi Weaver              -           Varsity volleyball

Athletic Office Summer Employment: Approved the employment of Ellie Guth to assist the Athletic Office during the summer.       

Diplomas:  Approved Tracy Montgomery, as selected by the senior class, to pass out diplomas during graduation.                                                                                                                                                                                             

Tuition Students: Approved the tuition students for the 2013-2014 school year:

Auden Donahue      -         New, Kindergarten, Western Elementary, per negotiated agreement, following parents employed by district

Chloe Buchanan      -         Continuing, grade 11

Andrew Iten            -         Continuing, grade 10                                                                                                                     

Approved the purchase of one 78 passenger school bus from Cardinal Bus Sales to be put into operation for the 2013-2014 school year. Purchase price which includes trade-in and extended engine warranty is $90,376.00. 

Substitute List: Approve the Lexington substitute list & the complete substitute lists dated 4/8/13 as presented by MOESC.                     

Renewed membership with the Mansfield-Richland Area Chamber of Commerce for the period of May 1, 2013 through April 30, 2014 at a cost of $149.00.

Approved the 2013-2014 school year substitute pay schedule as follows:

2013/2014 School Year Substitute Pay

Substitute Teacher                               $70.00 per day

 Substitute Aide                                    Step 0 of Educational Aide Salary Schedule

    Substitute Bus Driver                           Step 0 of Bus Driver’s Salary Schedule

    Substitute Custodian                             Step 0 of Custodian Salary Schedule

Substitute Maintenance                       Step 0 of Maintenance Salary Schedule

Substitute Mechanic                             Step 0 of Mechanic Salary Schedule

Substitute Cafeteria worker                  Minimum Wage

Substitute Treasurer’s Office Clerk     Step 0 of Treasurer’s Clerk Salary Schedule

Power Reading Tutor                           $23.00/hour

Homebound/Intervention Tutor            $20.00/hour    

Bus Washer                                         $9.00/hour

Office Help- Bus Garage                     Minimum Wage

Class Coverage                                    $23.89/period

Summer Help                                       $9.00/hour    

Athletic Office Assistant                      $15.00/hour    

Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Heck, Mr. Stoner, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Blackstone, Mr. Whitney -------5

        Nay: None -------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

                      Motion adopted.

26-13   Motion by Mr. Heck, seconded by Mr. Stoner to approve a one-year contract for Mark Olivieri, Maintenance Supervisor for the 2013-2014 school year. 

            Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Heck, Mr. Stoner, Mr. Blackstone, Mr. Whitney----------------------4

                              Nay: Mrs. Wilson ----------------------------------------------------------------------1

                             Motion adopted. 


            1. The Superintendent stated he shared a draft of a facility use policy with the Board last week. The Board briefly discussed the last time the policy was updated. The Superintendent will investigate. 

            2. The Treasurer presented a spreadsheet showing property owners who have filed a complaint on property values with the County Board of Revisions. The Board instructed the Treasurer to forward the complaints to legal counsel for review and then file a counter complaint if Mr. Welsh feels it is warranted.      

           3. The Treasurer presented a draft of the revised 5-year Financial Forecast and explained the changes. The forecast will be brought back to the Board for approval in May.                                                                                                                                                                                            

Mr. Ziegelhofer stated that first-round interviews have concluded for the position of Principal at Western. The Board scheduled a special meeting for April 29, 2013 for second-round interviews. 

Mr. Ziegelhofer shared that he is working with the Ohio Civil Rights Commission on an investigation dealing with a Wooster High School student athlete in a wheelchair who competed in a track meet at Lexington High School. A complaint was directed at the schools in the conference regarding the athlete participating at the same time as other runners. Mr. Ziegelhofer believes the issue is resolved.                                                                 

Mr. Stoner shared that he, Mr. Blackstone, Mrs. Bennett, and spouses attended the Pioneer All-Boards dinner last week. He said the students did a nice job. 


27-13   Motion by Mr. Stoner, seconded by Mrs. Wilson to adjourn.                            8:25 p.m.                                                                             

Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Stoner, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Heck, Mr. Blackstone, Mr. Whitney------5

                   Nay: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

Motion adopted.   

