Regular Meeting

Wednesday, April 18, 2012     

7:00 p.m.


1.    Call to Order: The President will call the meeting to order.

2.    Communications/Visitors:  

The President will recognize any visitors to the meeting and present any communications.  

Kaitlyn Swartzmiller, Student representative to the Board will present her report

Recognition of the swimming state qualifiers

Financial Items:

3.    Minutes:  The President will call for additions or corrections to the March meeting.

4.    Financial:  The Treasurer will present the monthly financial report for March 2012.

       Motion by __________________, seconded by_________________, to approve items 3- 4.

5.    Executive Session:  Motion by ____________________, seconded by ________________, to enter into executive session to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official, or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual unless the public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual requests a public hearing and negotiations.                  

The Board entered into executive session at _________.       The Board returned to open session at ___________.

Personnel Items:       


6.    Resignation:  Accept the resignation of the following personnel:    

                              Allison Schuster - Jr. High CACY co-advisor/Jr. High Student Council advisor

7.    Employment:  Approve the recommendation for:    

                              Michelle Olecki - Supervisor of high school library, one year contract,        

                              BA + 20, step 12         

                              Academic Challenge co-advisor       

                             Mock Trial advisor

8.    Salary Adjustment:  Approve the following salary adjustments:   

                             Tom Brownell  - ME  to ME + 10   

                             Kelly Kapucinski - BS to BS + 10

9.    Maternity Leave:  Approve Michelle Hock’s maternity leave request for the 2012-2013 school year from approximately October 8, 2012 through January 1, 2013.

10.   Contract Change:  Approve Dave Robert’s request to rescind his two-year, twelve (12) month contract and issue a two-year, eleven (11) month contract consistent with all other building administrators.           

11.   Supplemental Non-Renewals:  Recommend non-renewal of the individuals listed in Attachment “A” due to lack of evaluations for spring sports.        

12.   Supplemental  Non-Renewals:  Recommend non-renewal of the individuals listed in Attachment “B” who hold supplemental contracts, but are not employees of the district.        

13.   Teaching/Extended Service Contracts:  Approve teaching / extended service contracts for 2012-2013 as listed in Attachment “C”.

14.   Continuing Contracts:  Approve continuing contracts for 2012-2013 as listed in Attachment “D”.

15.   Supplemental Activities:  Approve supplemental activity contracts for 2012-2013 as listed in  Attachment “E”.     


16.   Non-Certified Contracts:  Approve contracts for classified employees as listed in Attachment “F”.     

17.   Coaching Recommendation:  Approve the following recommendation:    

                       John Watkins   -  reinstate as freshmen baseball coach, 2011-2012 school yr.    

                       Pam Coones  - Varsity girls’ soccer, 2012-2013 school yr.

18.   Summer Employees:  Approve the employment of Jessika Volz & Jennifer Rhodes as summer employees to assist the Maintenance Department with the care and upkeep of our buildings and grounds and Brayson Ramirez and Nick Chirico to work with the Technology Department.    

19.   Tuition Student:  Approve the following tuition student for the 2012-2013 school year:    

                      Andrew Iten  - Continuing, 9th grade

20.   Diplomas:  Approve Holly Rice, as selected by the senior class, to pass out diplomas at graduation.

21.   Substitute List:  Approve the Lexington substitute lists & the complete substitute lists dated 4/2/12  as presented by MOESC.

22.   Tutor List:  Approve the revised tutor list submitted by MOESC.

23.   Recommend the purchase of one 78 passenger school bus from Cardinal Bus Sales to be put into  operation for the 2012-2013 school year.  The purchase price of the bus will be $86,969.00 which  includes a $2,500.00 trade-in allowance.  Monies for this purchase will be made out of FY 2013 PI funds.

24.   Front & Center Turf:  Recommend the approval of the enclosed contract with Front & Center Turf to maintain the football, soccer and baseball fields.  Cost is $9,500.00          

25.   Substitute Pay Schedule:  Approve the substitute pay schedule as follows:

2012/2013 School Year Substitute Pay 
Substitute Teacher   $70.00 per day
Substitute Aide    Step 0 of Educational Aide Salary Schedule    
Substitute Bus Driver   Step 0 of Bus Driver’s Salary Schedule 
Substitute Custodian   Step 0 of Custodian Salary Schedule 
Substitute Maintenance   Step 0 of Maintenance Salary Schedule 
Substitute Mechanic   Step 0 of Mechanic Salary Schedule 
Substitute Cafeteria worker  $7.70/hour 
Substitute Treasurer’s Office Clerk      Step 0 of Treasurer’s Clerk Salary Schedule 
Power Reading Tutor   $23.00/hour 
Homebound/Intervention Tutor  $20.00/hour      
Bus Washer    $9.00/hour 
Office Help- Bus Garage  $7.70/hour (not to be included in over-time calculations for drivers/aides) 
Class Coverage    $23.89/period 
Summer Help    $9.00/hour  
Athletic Office Assistant  $15.00/hour  

26.   Committee Appointments:

a. Athletic Board of Control (2)  _____________________________________

b. Music Board of Control (2) _______________________________________

c. In-Service Review Board (1) ______________________________________

d. Classified In-Service Review Board (1)  _____________________________

e. Technology Committee (1)  _______________________________________       

f.    County Tax Incentive Review Council (1) ____________________________

Motion by __________________, seconded by _____________________, to approve items 6-26.  

 Discussion Item:        1.  Five-year Financial Forecast

27.   Adjournment:  Motion by ________________, seconded by ___________ to adjourn.